Saturday, January 3, 2009

Speak when you are angry???

"Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret."

Yah.. I just read that somewhere on some crap lousy cyber site and its so stupid true that I felt the need to blog it.

I just wanted to say that I think it's horse shit that the male gender is so good at the whole "we'll talk about it later" move..

The fact that (some/most) of you (in my experience) can be completely irate about something I did... And look me in the eyeballs for a day or two before talking about it is completely mind bottling...

But again... This approach makes me question my tendency to want to lash out irrationally when you act like a damn fool..

So I guess I have come to appreciate the weirdness that is wiener-centric.
[females are way more impulsive. All crazy craze like... ]

I am not being sexist... Cause I know far too well of the wiener population that will flip a bitch at the drop of a hat...

But damn it...
Sometimes it good to be a gangster and let the shit sizzle before dealing with it.

I just wish I could look at your face when I want to shake you retarded and contain myself.

I will be working on that.

That is all.


  1. I'm glad you found your blog again - have already added you to my feed reader so I'm ready to receive your words of wisdom 8unni! :-)

  2. Tx honey...
    Feed??? All these big words again???
